Sunday, November 16, 2008

plagiarism OR youth gambling habits

Hi everyone,

Thank you so much for your responses for our survey on social graces. We had a great time reading them.

This week, we're doing a double bill of surveys! If you would be so kind as to do them both, we would be really grateful! They will only take a few minutes, if at all.

1) Plagiarism

Plagiarism: the passing off of the work of others as your own.

It seems that half of the students in Cambridge, one of the best universities in the world, cheat -- and plagiarism is their modus operandi.

What about Singaporean youth? Do you engage in "the practice of claiming or implying original authorship of (or incorporating material from) someone else's written or creative work?" If so, how worried are you about getting caught? Do you believe plagiarism is a big problem at all? How clear are you about what constitutes plagiarism anyway?

2) Youth Gambling Habits

We don't need an IR to gamble. All we need is the opportunity to place a bet, and something to bet on.

This week, we want to ask about your gambling habits -- Do you gamble? How young were you when you made your first bet? What do you gamble on and what are the stakes?

Most importantly, why do you gamble? Do you know when to stop? How far will you go to help a loved one in need of money?

We look forward to hearing from you. Meanwhile, keep reading YouthInk every monday!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Singapore -- First World Social Graces?

Hi everyone,

Thank you for your responses to the last poll on the U.S. Presidential Elections. Personally, I felt the responses were both interesting and informed.

As such, we would like to share them with everyone HERE. Names have been removed from comments, and the comments expressed therein are the views of the authors themselves.

This week, we're conducting a customer satisfaction survey! But we don't want to ask about Singaporean service standards. Rather, we're interested in how you rate the social graces of Singaporeans!

That's right -- social graces. Defined as "the collective skill for dealing with people and society". "Manners". "Etiquette".

It's not a new topic. But that's just an indirect way of saying that it's a recurring problem, one that was most recently highlighted by PM Lee during his 2008 National Day Rally.

How would you rate the social graces of our generation of youths? What about those of society at large? Is Singapore truly a gracious society? Have courtesy campaigns and kindness movements had any effect on the behavior of Singaporeans at all?

Tell YouthInk what you think! Access our poll HERE.

We look forward to hearing from you. Meanwhile, keep reading YouthInk every monday!

As always, here're some cartoons we managed to scour off the internet that are semi-related to our topic at hand! Cheers.

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