Saturday, October 18, 2008

Pick me a President!

Hi everyone,

Thanks so much for all your responses for our last poll on beauty. The replies we got were both entertaining AND insightful! And that's rare.

We hope you'll all be as enthusiastic for our latest poll, which serves up somewhat more serious fare.

This week, we are examining a political event that we as Singaporeans have no control over, but whose outcome will undoubtedly have significant global repurcussions.

It has been brewing since 2006 and will finally reach its thrilling conclusion when voters head to the polls on November 4th, 2008 -- The US Presidential Elections.

Given the chance, who would you vote for? Would you even vote at all? What are the factors influencing your decision?

Do you see Singapore ever having such a direct and conrontational style of politics? Do you even want such a political culture?

Tell YouthInk what you think! Access our poll HERE.

We look forward to hearing from you. Meanwhile, keep reading YouthInk every monday!

In the meantime, here're some political cartoons we managed to find off the internet for your bemusement! Cheers.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

[The Unabashedly Shallow Poll] Beauty is only faculty-deep!

Hi everyone,

First up, thanks for your responses on our last poll on stress! The number of respondents increased from our first survey and we hope this is a trend that will continue into the foreseeable future (and hopefully increase exponentially as well!)

This week sees the launch of another exciting new poll on a topic that may interest a great many of us -- BEAUTY.

Yes, we all know that 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder' and that 'beauty is only skin-deep'. We have chosen to 'dig deep' into the superficial this time around and ask youths about who they think are the most physically attractive tertiary students here in Singapore.

For those who are still in school, we've gone a step further -- tell us which faculty you think has the hottest hunks and babes!

What gives you these impressions? How do you define physical attractiveness?

We would love to hear what you think.

Access our short, sweet, yet utterly interesting poll HERE.

We look forward to hearing from you. Meanwhile, keep reading YouthInk every monday!


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